Cultural Moments

 The idea sounded great. We were taken to a family home in Hué, Vietnam to dine with and learn about “real” family life. The family served a variety of normal everyday dinner recipes for us which were tasty. However, none of the family spoke English. Our guide told us a bit about their family, we asked a few questions, he translated, and other than that it was like eating in a restaurant. I had hoped to have some dialogue with the family.We started with home made saké and the courses kept coming, served by the grandparents and their daughter. The two grandchildren came in later from evening learning classes.

I thanked the family with one of my laser cut baskets and gave the kids a Connect 4 marble game. Nan in Grade 5 beat me!

An incense stall had literally thousands of sticks and 7 fragrances. The process is to take a stick of sandalwood and roll it in a scented paste that slow burns when it’s dry. 

A cultural evening of music and dance in Hoi An. This is where I first saw and heard the dán bāo. There are some tube videos showing how it works  


  1. The laser cut basket and game are beautiful, Jamie - the family probably hosts lots of visitors, but they'll always remember the nice Canadian who came with gifts!

    Looking forward to your reflection posts - safe journey home!

  2. Interesting pics Jamie! What was in the clay pots on top of the dancers’ heads or was that how they brought the tea to the table?

  3. What a beautiful family! I’m happy you were able to encounter an at-home type of experience with them. What a wonderful and thoughtful idea to bring your beautiful laser cut gifts! I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying your time away. I’m sending lots of love to you!


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