
 So glad you dropped by. Feel free to sit a spell. We can just chill and enjoy the quiet here ... or if you prefer, we can mull over the state of this sofa, or the state of our immediate surroundings, or the state of this rather chaotic world. 

Seems like the uncertainty principle of the quantum world is being released to join those pesky ills of Pandora's box. Maybe together we can deflect their "slings and arrows" from direct hits on our good natures. I find peaceful solace sitting here, but "when the Quantum of Solace drops to zero, humanity and consideration of one human for another is gone and the relationship is finished." 

In a few days I will travel to ancient lands, I will stand on ground that hunter-gatherers first walked 40 000 years ago. I will touch the 900 year old pillars in the World Heritage Site of the Angkor Wat complex in Cambodia. I hope to find a peace born of simplicity, a grounding aura that reminds us that we are connected to the ghosts of the past and that our actions will provide guiding connections for those who come after us. 

Join me, and we can share a pilgrimage of personal growth and exploration. That old chestnut "It's about the journey, not the destination?" Well in this case the destination will shape the journey. 


  1. Looking forward to following your journey!

  2. What a beautiful, poetic piece! I look forward to following you on this spiritual and historical journey.

    1. I’m sorry, that anonymous comment was me haha! I’m learning as I go with blogs.


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